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The genome of Macrothele yani is assembled in this study, forming the first high-quality genome assembly at the chromosomal level for any Macrothelidae spider, filling an important gap in our knowledge of these spiders. Such high-quality genomic data will be invaluable as a reference in resolving Araneae spider phylogenies and in screening different spider species for novel compounds applicable to numerous medical and agricultural applications.


Macrothelidae is a family of mygalomorph spiders containing the extant genera Macrothele and Vacrothele. China is an important center of diversity for Macrothele with 65 % of the known species occurring there.

Previous work on Macrothele was able to uncover several important toxin compounds including Raventoxin which may have applications in biomedicine and agricultural chemistry. Despite the importance of Macrothele spiders, high-quality reference genomes are still lacking, which hinders our understanding and application of the toxin compounds.

In this study, we assembled the genome of the Macrothele yani to help fill gaps in our understanding of toxin biology in this lineage of spiders to encourage the future study and applications of these compounds. The final assembled genome was 6.79 Gb in total length, had a contig N50 of 21.44 Mb, and scaffold N50 of 156.16 Mb. Hi-C scaffolding assigned 98.19 % of the genome to 46 pseudo-chromosomes with a BUSCO score of 95.7 % for the core eukaryotic gene set. The assembled genome was found to contain 75.62 % repetitive DNA and a total of 39,687 protein-coding genes were annotated making it the spider genome with the highest number of genes.

Through integrated analysis of venom gland transcriptomics and venom proteomics, a total of 194 venom toxins were identified, including 38 disulfide-rich peptide neurotoxins, among which 12 were ICK knottin peptides.

In summary, we present the first high-quality genome assembly at the chromosomal level for any Macrothelidae spider, filling an important gap in our knowledge of these spiders. Such high-quality genomic data will be invaluable as a reference in resolving Araneae spider phylogenies and in screening different spider species for novel compounds applicable to numerous medical and agricultural applications.

Authors: Yongming YOU, Yani TANG, Wenhao YIN, Xinxin LIU, Pengfei GAO, Chenggui ZHANG, Luke R. TEMBROCK, Yu ZHAO, Zizhong YANG

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