
Books on Spiders

The Handbook of Jumping Spiders ハエトリグモハンドブック
An identification book of about 100 species of jumping spiders that inhabit Japan. Males, females, and morphs are posted with...
Tatsumi Suguro
The Handbook of Spiders クモハンドブック
From indoors to the forest, this book describes 100 common Japanese spiders, with photos on a white background to help...
Yuki Baba, Akio Tanigawa

This is not an exhaustive list, nor does it imply ASA’s endorsement of these books. It is intended purely to inform readers interested in further reading of what is commercially available.

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The Handbook of Jumping Spiders ハエトリグモハンドブック
An identification book of about 100 species of jumping spiders that inhabit Japan. Males, females, and morphs are posted with...
Tatsumi Suguro
The Handbook of Spiders クモハンドブック
From indoors to the forest, this book describes 100 common Japanese spiders, with photos on a white background to help...
Yuki Baba, Akio Tanigawa

This is not an exhaustive list, nor does it imply ASA’s endorsement of these books. It is intended purely to inform readers interested in further reading of what is commercially available.